Choisissez votre véhicule
En fonction du modèle et de votre situation (professionnel ou particulier), jusqu’à 2 400 € de Bonus Ecologique par moto électrique.
L’autonomie dépend de la capacité de la batterie et également de variables externes (mode de conduite, poids embarqué, etc…)
Chaque moto électrique est garantie 2 ans, kilométrage illimité. Nous assurons également le SAV.
- 100 km (4)
- 120 Km (2)
- 130 km (3)
- 140 Km (1)
- 150 Km (2)
- 170 km (1)
- 25 à 30 Km (1)
- 25/30 km (1)
- 40km / 50km / 55km selon batterie (1)
- 45 km (1)
- 55 km (2)
- 60 km (1)
- 65 km (1)
- 75 km (1)
- 80 km (5)
- 80 km à 100 km selon batterie (2)
- 85 km à 100 km selon batterie (1)
- 90 km (1)
- 160 Km (1)
- 185 km (1)
- 32 km à 40 km selon batterie (1)
- 35-40 Km (2)
- 40-45KM (1)
- 58km à 70 km selon batterie (1)
- 60 km à 110 km selon batterie (1)
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Economy simulator
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Interview | ||
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Questions Fréquentes
Quelle moto électrique avec le permis B ?
Le permis B, assorti de la formation obligatoire de 7 heures dite « 125 », vous permettra de conduire n’importe laquelle de nos motos électriques équivalent 125 cm3 (L3e) sur le territoire national. Ces motos présentent une puissance moteur comprise entre 4 000 et 11 000W. Vous trouverez ici notre sélection de motos électriques accessible avec le permis B et la formation de 7 heures.
Pourquoi remplacer ma moto thermique par une électrique ?
Il existe nombre d’avantages à la conduite d’une moto électrique : silence de fonctionnement, couple instantané, absence de vibration et accélération fulgurante : la Zero SR/F est par exemple capable d’abattre le 0 à 100 km/h en 3,2 secondes. Mais aussi, de large économie de carburant : le « plein » d’une moto coûtant jusqu’à 200 fois moins cher que celui d’une moto thermique. Mais, l’inconvénient principal d’une moto électrique reste son autonomie, encore aujourd’hui inférieure à celui d’une moto classique.
Combien cela coûte de recharger une moto électrique ?
Selon votre fournisseur d’électricité, une moto électrique équivalent 50 cm3 consommera environ 0,20 € au 100 kilomètres. Donc, si vous parcourez 5 000 km par an, il vous en coûtera environ 10 euros. Sur une 125 électrique, selon les performances du moteur, le coût pourra atteindre jusqu’à 0,80 € au 100 kilomètres. Cela reste imbattable : pour 5000 kilomètres, une moto thermique, 50 ou 125, pourra engloutir jusqu’à 385 € de carburant.
Quelle assurance pour une moto électrique ?
L’ensemble des compagnies d’assurance propose des contrats pour les motos électriques. Ceci, exactement de la même façon que pour les motos thermiques. Certaines compagnies effectuent même des rabais conséquents aux véhicules électriques : le montant des primes peut parfois être abaissé de 30%. Nous vous invitons à consulter les sites de comparaison d’assurance en prenant bien attention aux garanties des différents contrats.
Quel est le prix d’une moto électrique ?
Une moto électrique peut se révéler très économique à l’achat. Par exemple, grâce aux différents bonus écologiques, l’achat d’une Super Soco TC MAX 2020 pourra vous revenir à 2540 € TTC. Selon votre activité professionnelle et votre lieu d’habitation, différentes aides sont prévues par l’État et les collectivités locales.
Combien coûte l’entretien d’une moto électrique ?
Une moto électrique demandera beaucoup moins d’entretien qu’une moto thermique. En effet, son moteur ne nécessite pour ainsi dire aucune maintenance. Outre la transmission si votre moto électrique en est pourvue, pour toute maintenance régulière, on aura à s’occuper de la partie cycle. Ceci, de la même manière qu’avec une moto thermique : fourche, amortisseurs, freins, etc. Les coûts d’entretien d’une moto électrique seront donc drastiquement réduits.
Comment recharger une moto électrique ?
Une large partie des motos électriques actuellement disponibles sur le marché peuvent être rechargée grâce à une simple prise 220V domestique. On peut donc recharger à la maison, au travail ou chez des amis. Un certain nombre de motos électriques disposent en outre de batteries amovibles : la batterie peut donc être extraite afin d’être rechargée à l’intérieur.
In 2024, the 30 main brands of electric scooter registered in France are (in descending order of registrations from January 1 to August 31, 2024, source Mobilians ):
- BMW (1,594 registrations)
- Pink Mobility (1,382)
- Vmoto – Super Soco (1093)
- Segway (728)
- Easy-Watts (735)
- Piaggio (589)
- SEAT (589)
- Opai (365)
- Zeway (325)
- Silence (248)
- Yamaha (234)
- Rider (180)
- Bolide (183)
- Horwin (161)
- Eurocka (122)
- NIU (128)
- LVNENG (94)
- Tilgreen (86)
- Yadea (86)
- Askoll (84)
- Peugeot (71)
- Sym (60)
- Kymco (57)
- Murtas (56)
- Brumaire (52)
- Spyder Wheelz (50)
- Nerva (50)
- Frisian (50)
- Masai (45)
- Mob-ion (44)
Along with price, autonomy was previously the main obstacle to purchasing an electric scooter. On this point, thanks to the progress made by manufacturers, things have long since moved in the right direction: the offer is now fully mature. Many models have a range that is largely sufficient to guarantee serene use for their owner in the overwhelming majority of cases, while having an affordable price. For example, we have a range of city scooters for less than €2,000. Regarding 125 scooters, it is now possible to have a suburban vehicle for less than €4,000 after the ecological bonus.
Modern vehicles
In order to optimize autonomy, each electric scooter is equipped with an on-board computer system that monitors consumption in real time. This is to directly improve the operation of the engine and battery. Many vehicles are also equipped with a function for recycling energy “lost” during braking.
Ample autonomy for your essential journeys
These two major innovations provide an average range of 85 km for the 50cc scooter category, therefore accessible without a license, such as the Rider 3000W. For an electric scooter equivalent to 125 cm3, we will find for example the Rider 5000W and its 100 kilometers of autonomy. More substantial, the maxi-scooter Pink Fly will be able to swallow up to 150 kilometers in a single charge.
Zen driving allows you to go even further
Just like with a combustion engine, the range of an electric scooter will depend heavily on your driving style. Strong accelerations , sudden braking and so-called “sporty” driving will naturally have a negative effect on the overall range. “Responsible” driving will produce the opposite effect. Riding such a scooter, you will enjoy the silence , the responsiveness of the accelerations, but also anticipate lights, turns, stops, pedestrian crossings, etc. We like to say that what is good for autonomy is also good for safety.
On a daily basis, driving an electric scooter offers many advantages . The first of these can be economical, thanks to electricity prices that are much lower than fossil fuel. Maintenance is also less important than with a thermal scooter, therefore less expensive . Their driving is smooth now : the first vehicles marketed tended to accelerate abruptly when starting, with little flexibility in the dosage of power to the rear wheel. Now, thanks to the progress made on the adjustments of the electric controllers, getting to grips with an electric scooter is easy and quick, even for beginners. Your journeys will be without noise , vibrations or odors.
In 2024, the 30 main brands of electric scooter registered in France are (in descending order of registrations from January 1 to August 31, 2024, source Mobilians ):
- BMW (1,594 registrations)
- Pink Mobility (1,382)
- Vmoto – Super Soco (1093)
- Segway (728)
- Easy-Watts (735)
- Piaggio (589)
- SEAT (589)
- Opai (365)
- Zeway (325)
- Silence (248)
- Yamaha (234)
- Rider (180)
- Bolide (183)
- Horwin (161)
- Eurocka (122)
- NIU (128)
- LVNENG (94)
- Tilgreen (86)
- Yadea (86)
- Askoll (84)
- Peugeot (71)
- Sym (60)
- Kymco (57)
- Murtas (56)
- Brumaire (52)
- Spyder Wheelz (50)
- Nerva (50)
- Frisian (50)
- Masai (45)
- Mob-ion (44)
On a daily basis, driving an electric scooter offers many advantages . The first of these can be economical, thanks to electricity prices that are much lower than fossil fuel. Maintenance is also less important than with a thermal scooter, therefore less expensive . Their driving is smooth now : the first vehicles marketed tended to accelerate abruptly when starting, with little flexibility in the dosage of power to the rear wheel. Now, thanks to the progress made on the adjustments of the electric controllers, getting to grips with an electric scooter is easy and quick, even for beginners. Your journeys will be without noise , vibrations or odors.
On a daily basis, driving an electric scooter offers many advantages . The first of these can be economical, thanks to electricity prices that are much lower than fossil fuel. Maintenance is also less important than with a thermal scooter, therefore less expensive . Their driving is smooth now : the first vehicles marketed tended to accelerate abruptly when starting, with little flexibility in the dosage of power to the rear wheel. Now, thanks to the progress made on the adjustments of the electric controllers, getting to grips with an electric scooter is easy and quick, even for beginners. Your journeys will be without noise , vibrations or odors.
On a daily basis, driving an electric scooter offers many advantages . The first of these can be economical, thanks to electricity prices that are much lower than fossil fuel. Maintenance is also less important than with a thermal scooter, therefore less expensive . Their driving is smooth now : the first vehicles marketed tended to accelerate abruptly when starting, with little flexibility in the dosage of power to the rear wheel. Now, thanks to the progress made on the adjustments of the electric controllers, getting to grips with an electric scooter is easy and quick, even for beginners. Your journeys will be without noise , vibrations or odors.
Along with price, autonomy was previously the main obstacle to purchasing an electric scooter. On this point, thanks to the progress made by manufacturers, things have long since moved in the right direction: the offer is now fully mature. Many models have a range that is largely sufficient to guarantee serene use for their owner in the overwhelming majority of cases, while having an affordable price. For example, we have a range of city scooters for less than €2,000. Regarding 125 scooters, it is now possible to have a suburban vehicle for less than €4,000 after the ecological bonus.
Modern vehicles
In order to optimize autonomy, each electric scooter is equipped with an on-board computer system that monitors consumption in real time. This is to directly improve the operation of the engine and battery. Many vehicles are also equipped with a function for recycling energy “lost” during braking.
Ample autonomy for your essential journeys
These two major innovations provide an average range of 85 km for the 50cc scooter category, therefore accessible without a license, such as the Rider 3000W. For an electric scooter equivalent to 125 cm3, we will find for example the Rider 5000W and its 100 kilometers of autonomy. More substantial, the maxi-scooter Pink Fly will be able to swallow up to 150 kilometers in a single charge.
Zen driving allows you to go even further
Just like with a combustion engine, the range of an electric scooter will depend heavily on your driving style. Strong accelerations , sudden braking and so-called “sporty” driving will naturally have a negative effect on the overall range. “Responsible” driving will produce the opposite effect. Riding such a scooter, you will enjoy the silence , the responsiveness of the accelerations, but also anticipate lights, turns, stops, pedestrian crossings, etc. We like to say that what is good for autonomy is also good for safety.